Spirituality and Well-Being

Categories : Gambling


Spirituality is the belief in a higher power that manifests as an embodied divine force, an abstract concept like compassion or hope, a goal to make a positive impact on the world, or even the simple act of meditation. These beliefs are universal, and can be found in many religions, cultures, and thought systems. It is a personal practice that often requires dedication and commitment. Whether you are just starting to find your spirituality, or you have been a believer your whole life, embracing spirituality can help improve your mental health and overall well-being.

Some study participants found that a sense of spirituality helped them cope with the challenges of their lives, including HIV diagnosis and significant events like genocide or the loss of close family members. Moreover, people who reported being spiritual were more likely to feel connected with others, and take community and civic action.

One common thread among study participants is that they view spirituality as a process of moving inward, rather than looking at the world through an outward lens. Increasing hope, kindness, self-compassion and gratitude are all parts of this inner journey.

Most study participants report that a spiritual life also involves daily practices that help them cultivate and nurture the spirit, mind and body. These include listening to or reading religious or philosophical texts, and reflecting on them. In yoga this is known as meditative practice, or swadhyaya; in Christianity it is called lectio divina; and in Daoism it is called meditation on the Tao.