What Is Technology?

Categories : Gambling


Technology is a term that describes the creation of artifacts, such as computers and mobile phones, and methods used to create them. The word comes from the Greek words techne (art, skill, craft) and logos (“word, utterance by which inward thought is expressed”). Technological artifacts can be as simple as the controlled use of fire first practiced by our hominid ancestors millions of years ago and as complex as the Covid-19 vaccine developed by modern medicine.

Science is the reasoned investigation of phenomena in the natural world and the search for enduring principles. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to organized tasks involving human and machine elements for sustainable results. It is an interdisciplinary activity and therefore draws upon scientific, engineering, mathematical, linguistic, historical and other fields of knowledge to achieve practical outcomes.

The rapid advance of technological tools has made many aspects of life easier for humans. But with each new tool that spreads into widespread usage, it exponentially scales up certain types of behavior. Televisions, for example, have exponentially increased the number of people who spend time zoning out in front of screens, hypnotized by their constant visual stimulation.

Many businesses use the latest technology to stay competitive and deliver products on time and within budget. It is also a critical aspect of education, as students have access to a large percentage of the world’s knowledge at their fingertips. This helps them answer their heightened curiosity, which in turn improves academic performance and grades.